
  • Regaining Strength and Function: The Importance of Physical Therapy After Surgery

    Regaining Strength and Function: The Importance of Physical Therapy After Surgery

    Recovering from surgery is a journey that requires more than just rest and medication, physical therapy is essential for a successful recovery. It speeds up the healing process, helps prevent complications, and improves the quality of life.

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  • The Benefits of PRP for Arthritis

    The Benefits of PRP for Arthritis

    Living with arthritis can be a daily struggle, with many patients relying on medications or facing the prospect of surgery. However, a new option is changing the landscape of arthritis treatment.

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  • Preventing Falls: Essential Tips and Exercises for All Ages

    Preventing Falls: Essential Tips and Exercises for All Ages

    Falls are a leading cause of injury across all age groups, but they are particularly concerning for older adults. Preventing falls is crucial for maintaining independence and quality of life.

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  • Tips to Avoid Back-to-School Sports Injuries

    Tips to Avoid Back-to-School Sports Injuries

    As the school year kicks off, young athletes everywhere are gearing up for the sports season. Excitement is in the air, but so is the risk of injury. To ensure a safe and enjoyable season, here are some essential tips to prevent sports injuries.

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  • Treatments for Stiff Hands and Fingers

    Treatments for Stiff Hands and Fingers

    The agility of our hands is something we often take for granted—until it's compromised. Stiffness in the hands and fingers makes even the most mundane activities, whether it's turning a key, gripping a coffee cup, or typing...

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  • When to Consider Shoulder Replacement Surgery

    When to Consider Shoulder Replacement Surgery

    Is chronic shoulder pain disrupting your life? Shoulder replacement surgery might be your best option to restore shoulder movement and function. If conservative treatments have failed, let’s explore when is the right time to consider...

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  • Top Treatments for Arthritis

    Top Treatments for Arthritis

    Arthritis among adults in the US affects more than 53 million people.1 Although it can be challenging at times, it doesn't have to be a life sentence of pain and immobility. As May brings Arthritis Awareness Month, let's explore...

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  • Exercises to Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Exercises to Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Did you know carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common peripheral nerve compression condition in the US? The throbbing pain, tingling, numbness, and loss of wrist strength can make even the simplest tasks feel like a challenge.

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  • Common Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Youth Baseball

    Common Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Youth Baseball

    Baseball is The Great American Pastime that improves physical fitness and teaches team skills. Unfortunately, youth baseball is often marred by preventable injuries. Learn about the most common shoulder and elbow

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  • Rehabilitation Tips for After Shoulder Replacement Surgery

    Rehabilitation Tips for After Shoulder Replacement Surgery

    Rehabilitation is essential to ensure an optimal recovery after shoulder replacement surgery, helping you regain mobility and strength in your shoulder joint. While navigating the recovery process may seem difficult, it doesn’t have to be

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  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons - AAOS
  • Mississippi State Medical Association
  • Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society
  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand